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"The Hellhound Heart" Review

The Hellhound Heart s a short novel that I read because I wanted to just speed through something quickly, but I didn't expect to enjoy it so much! This book I believe is considered a classic, but I had never heard of it or watched the movies inspired by it, so I didn't know what to expect. The first chapter, I was not really enjoying it, but I got into it quickly after that. This was also the first Clive Barker book I've ever read.

This book is about a man who solves a puzzle box and is locked away in a hellish dimension inside his house. When his brother and sister-in-law move into the house, his sister-in-law starts to feel something not right in the house.

That's all I can really say without giving anything away considering the length of the book (160-ish pages), but I went into this book not knowing anything and I really enjoyed it that way.

I honestly got really creepy vibes from this book, which doesn't happen often. I gave it 5/5 stars and it's definitely one of my new all-time favourites!

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